Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rosa Mystica.

Rosa Mystica 1947-1966

It was in 1531 that the Mother of God appeared to Juan Diego in Tepeyac Hill in Mexico and performed "the miracle of the roses" as proof to Bishop Zumarraga of her presence. R
oses never grew on that rocky terrain, and certainly not in December. Moreover, when, in their surprise, the bishop's attendants tried to pick and take some of them from his tilma, they could not do so because they became, as one author put it, "not roses that they touched, but as if they were painted or embroidered." Indeed, they were "mystical roses" from the hands of the Mystical Rose herself.

The Litany of Loreto lists many of her titles, but there is a flower amongst them; the Mystical Rose. Truly, the rose is the queen of all the flowers, and there is something in the Heavenly arrangement of Its petals and Its coloring, there Is something In Its scent and symmetry, In the modesty of its green leaves, which makes it very special. It is the flower which captures the heart at nearly every stage of its growth, even when a bud. While It grows, Its petals gradually unfold as a token, as It were, of the blossoming of the lover's love for his loved one.

Mary, the most beautiful of God's creation, is indeed "the Incarnate Rose," especially chosen for God's garden. She is the "rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys" [Song 2:1]. There is no rose comparable to her and she has made Paradise ever so much more beautiful.

But if you call her a rose, white is the color of her purity; gold, the tint of her royalty; red, the hue of her suffering. The rose grows out from a stem of thorns and in the heart of this flower, the red of the Cross of her son was forming. Indeed, without thorns a rose is not a rose, and without the thorn of great suffering, Mary could not have become the Mystical Rose of God's Paradise.


Mary Appears as the "Rosa Mystica" In Montichiari

Montichiali with its suburb Fontanelle is a small town in Northern Italy, twenty kilometers from Brescia, the bishop's town. It is situated in front of the Italian Alps in the fertile plain of the river Po. The name means in English, "Bright Mountains." On a hill lies the old castle of St. Mary and the venerable Church of San Pancrazio.

First Apparition

Pierina Gilli was born on August 3, 1911, at Montichiari and worked as a nurse in the hospital there. The first time, the dear Mother of Christ appeared to her in a room of the hospital, in the spring of 1947. Our Lady, a beautiful woman, wore a violet dress and a white veil around her head. She was very sad, her eyes were filled with tears which fell to the floor. Her breast was pierced by three big swords. Our Lady said, "Prayer-Penitence-Expiation" and was silent.

Second Apparition

On June 13, 1947, Our Lady appeared again in the hospital early one Sunday. morning. This time she was dressed in white and instead of the three swords she had three roses: a white one, a red one, and a golden one. Pierina Gilli asked her, "Please tell me who you are." The Lady answered, smiling, "I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you."

Here she paused, then she went on, "Our Lord sends me to bring a new Marian devotion for all male and female institutes, religious orders, and secular priests. I promise those religious institutes, orders, and secular priests who venerate me in this special way my special protection, an increase of spiritual vocations, fewer betrayed vocations, and great sanctity among the servants of God. I wish the 13th of each month to be celebrated as the day of Mary. On the twelve preceding
days, special prayers of preparation should be said."

With an expression of great joy, she went on, "On this day I shall send to these religious institutes, members of orders, and secular priests who have honored me in this way, a superabundance of graces and great sanctity. I wish the 13th of July of each year to be celebrated in honor of the 'Rosa Mystica,' the Mystical Rose."

Pierina asked whether she would perform a miracle. Our Lady answered, "The most evident miracle will be the godly souls, who for some time, especially during the last war, became lukewarm, so that they were unfaithful or even betrayed their vocation, will cease to offend Our Lord gravely. By their great offenses, they brought punishment and persecution upon the Church-----as we experience it in our days-----but then the original spirit of their holy founders will blossom again."

With these words the conversation ended. Now Our Lady explained to Pierina the meaning of the three swords and the three roses. A moving explanation which is to taken quite seriously!

The first sword means loss of the vocation as a priest or a monk. The second sword means priests, monks, and nuns who live in deadly sin. The third sword means priests and monks who commit the treason of Judas. While giving up their vocation, they often lose also their faith, their eternal beatitude, and become enemies of the Church.

The white rose means the spirit of prayer. The red rose means the spirit of expiation and sacrifice. The yellow or golden rose means the spirit of penitence.

Third Apparition on October 22, 1947

The beautiful woman appeared again, this time in the chapel of the hospital in Montichiari during the service. Many employees of the hospital, some physicians, and people from the town were present.

Our Lady asked for the realization of the devotion she had recommended and said among other things, "My Divine Son, tired of the continuing offenses, wanted to act according to His justice. So I placed myself as a Mediatrix between Him and the human race, especially the specially consecrated souls."

Pierina thanked her for that in the name of all who were present. Our Lady took leave with a beautiful thought for Pierina saying, "Vivi d'amore!" which means, "Live for love-----for charity!"

Fourth Apparition on November 16, 1947

Our Lady appeared publicly in the parish church of Montichiari in the presence of some people, among whom were also several priests. Among other things she said, "Our Lord, my Divine Son, is tired of the many offenses, the severe offenses, the sins against holy purity . . . " Here she paused and then went on, "He wants to send another flood of punishment. . . ." Here she stopped again for some moments and then went on, "I have interceded that He may be merciful once more. Therefore I ask for your prayer and penitence to expiate these sins."

Pierina said, "Yes!" and agreed to these wishes of Our dear Lady. The conversation went on, "I ardently ask the priests to admonish the people in love that they do not commit these sins any more." Pielina asked, "Will He then pardon us?" Our Lady answered, "Yes, so long as one does not commit them any more." With these words she went away.

Fifth Apparition on November 22, 1947

Our Lady appeared again in the parish church in the presence of several persons. First she told Pierina Gilli to make four crosses with her tongue on the floor just in the middle of the church, exactly under the dome. (A humiliating act of expiation!) Then she descended on the crosses and said, "I descend on this place because it is here that great conversions will occur." Somewhat sadly she went on, "Today specifically, there are Christians of your Italian nation who most offend our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, by their sins against holy purity. Therefore, the Lord demands, prayer, great sacrifices, and penitence." Pierina asked, "What have we to do to fulfill your wish for prayer and penitence?" Our Lady answered mildly, "Prayer" (here she was silent for some moments and continued), "Penitence means acceptance of the little daily crosses and also doing one's work in the spirit of penitence."

And in all her majesty she gave a promise with the following words, "On December 8th, at noon, I shall appear here again in the parish church and it will be the hour of grace." Pierina Gilli asked, "Please, explain to me! What does it mean, the hour of grace?" Our Lady replied, "The hour of grace-----great and numerous conversions will occur." Here she paused again for some moments and continued, "Souls, totally hardened, cold as this marble, will be touched by Divine grace and become faithful and God-loving again."

This was the only time that Our dear Lady predicted a future appearance. All the other apparitions happened unexpectedly.

Sixth Apparition on December 7, 1947

This time when Our Lady appeared again in the parish church there were only three persons present. Among them was the Reverend Confessor of the seer. Our Lady, as "Rosa Mystica," wore a white cloak. This was held at the right side by a boy, at the left side by a girl. Both were also dressed in white.

Our Lady said, "Tomorrow I shall show you my Immaculate Heart which human beings know so little." Here she paused and then went on, "In Fatima I spread the dedication to my Immaculate Heart." With heartfelt expression she went on, "In Bonate I tried to introduce this devotion into Christian families." (Bonate, where Our Lady appeared during the war, is situated near Bergamo.)

Here she made a somewhat longer pause, then continued, "Here in Montichiari I wish the devotion of the 'Rosa Mystica,' together with the veneration of my Immaculate Heart, to be increased in the religious institutes and the monastic communities, in order that these souls dedicated to God may receive more graces from my motherly Heart."

Then Our Lady told Pierina a mystery and promised that she herself would let her know when she had to reveal it. Pierina asked, "Who are the two children at your side?"

Our Lady answered, "Jacinta and Francesco. They will be your companions in all your afflictions. They too have suffered, though they were much younger than you. Look, this is how I would like you to be-----simple and good-----as these children used to be." Our Lady extended her arms protectingly, looked up to Heaven and exclaimed, "Sia benedetto il Signore!" which means, "Praised be the Lord!" Then she disappeared.

Seventh Apparition on December 8, 1947

On this great feast of St. Mary, some thousand people had gathered from everywhere. Pierina Gilli had great difficulty in getting into the overcrowded parish church. She knelt down on the spot where the other appearances had taken place. While people were praying the Rosary, she exclaimed, "Oh, La Madonna!" (Our Lady).

At once, there was a great silence. The pastor, Monsignore Abate Francesco Rossi, reported that many participants told him later, (though thousands of people were in the overcrowded church), it had become so still that one could hear the humming of a single fly. Our Lady appeared on a big white staircase which was decorated on both sides with white and yellow and red roses. Our dear Lady smiled and said, "I am the Immaculate Conception." And with great majesty, descending, she said, "I am Mary of Grace, that is, the Full of Grace, Mother of my Divine Son Jesus Christ."

Descending farther she continued, "I come here to Montichiari because it is my wish to be appealed to and venerated as 'Rosa Mystica.' I wish people to celebrate each year on December 8th at noon the hour of grace for the whole world. With this exercise, one will receive numerous spiritual and bodily graces. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will be abundantly merciful so long as good men go on praying for their fellow men. As soon as possible, let the Supreme Shepherd of the Church, Pope Pius XII, know it is my wish that this hour of grace be publicized and spreadthroughout the whole world. If someone cannot go to church at this time, he is to pray at noon at home, and he will receive graces from me. He who prays on these bricks and sheds tears of repentance will find a secure ladder to Heaven and get protection and graces from my Motherly Heart."

With these words Our beautiful and radiant Lady showed Pierina her Heart and burst into the following words, "Look at this Heart which loves human beings so very much, though most of them overwhelm it with abuses!" Here she paused a moment, and then went on, "When good people and bad people unite in prayer, they will receive mercy and peace from this Heart. At present the Lord has been merciful to the good ones because of my intercession. This has delayed a great judgment of God." Smiling, she went on, "Very soon, one will know how important this hour of grace is."

Pierina noticed that she was about to leave and said, "Oh beautiful, dear Saint Mary, I thank you! Please bless my homeland Italy, bless the whole world, especially the Holy Father, the priests, the monks and nuns, and the sinners." Our Lady answered, "I have an abundance of graces ready for all those children who hear my voice and take my wishes to heart." With these words the vision ended. Also during this vision Our Lady confided to Pierina a secret and promised to come again and tell her when the moment would come for revealing it.

Miraculous Healings During this Apparition

Parents brought to the church a boy of about five or six years who was suffering from polio and could not stand or walk. Other parents brought their daughter, about twenty-six years old, who suffered since she was twelve years old from severe tuberculosis. She had not been able to utter a single word for the last nine years.

In the same moment both were completely healed. The girl who had not been able to speak a word for the past nine years now sang a song of praise with a full voice. Since then she has been able to sing and speak without any difficulty.

The parents of the boy carried him in their arms into the church, now he could stand and walk. Later on he was shown in public from a balcony to the rejoicing crowd in the big square in front of the church. The whole crowd was deeply stirred when they saw the child jump up and down. He declared, "I have seen Our Lady in the church and she smiled at me benevolently." Since that time both have been in good health. The boy married some years ago and the girl has become a pious God-fearing nun who is living only to expiate for the religious orders and priests.

A Third Miracle

The third miracle happened during the time of the appearance of Our Lady, not in the church of Montichiari, but in a private home of the town. A woman of about thirty-six years was healed at home during the time of the apparition. From childhood on she was not normal but also not completely mentally disturbed. She could not speak, but the worst thing was that she had no control over her bodily functions. Her sister-in-law had to stay with her at home while her father went to the cathedral to the anticipated appearance of Our Lady. Her sister-in-law prayed the holy Rosary at the time of the appearance and exclaimed spontaneously, "Our dear Lady, if you are really present in the Church of Montichiari, please heal this poor sick girl!" In the same moment the sick person was healed completely. She was healed forever! Loud and full of joy she prayed with her sister-in-law the holy Rosary to the end. When the father came home from the church, he was astonished and full of joy upon seeing his daughter healed.

This miracle especially caused a sensation and was later declared to be the most important one by several physicians. As in this case, any mass suggestion had to be excluded. The healing was lasting. The girl died some years later, but one of her brothers is still alive and can witness to all this.

The Weeping Statue of Rosa Mystica:

This Mystical Rose Statue wept in a chapel in Brooklyn, New York, Friday, May 18, 1984, often copiously, and for weeks afterwards. Like the Rosa Mystica statue that wept in Chicago in June of the same year, this statue came from Montichiari, Italy, where the original Rosa Mystica statue of this type originated some years ago. To the photographer of this statue, the tears tasted salty and imperceptibly sweet. His efforts to wipe away the tears dripping from her cheek chin, repeatedly sponging them, only resulted in new tears welling up in the eyes.


Rosa Mystica, Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Grace, in honor of thy Divine Son, we prostrate ourselves at thy feet to implore God's mercy. We beg for help and grace, not relying on any merit of ours, but on the kindness of thy motherly heart, and confident that thou will grant our urgent requests.

Hail Mary . . .

Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church, of the Mystical Body of Christ, we implore the gifts of unity and peace for the anxious world, and those graces so able to convert the souls of thy erring children.

Hail Mary . . .

Rosa Mystica, Queen of the Apostles, pray that many men and women may hear Christ's call to priestly and religious vocations, and help them spread the Kingdom of Jesus Christ throughout the world by the holiness of their lives and their burning zeal for the salvation of souls. Pour out thy Heavenly grace upon us!

Hail Mary . . .

With Eccles. Approval and Imprimatur


Maria Rosa Mystica, Mystical Rose, Immaculate Conception. Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of Grace, Mother of the Mystical Body, Mother of the Church, thou camest down on earth to call upon us children of this earth to love each other, to unite and live in peace.. Thy requests of us the practice of charity, prayer, and penance. We thank God with all our hearts that He has given thee to us as our Mother and Mediatrix in all our needs. Mary, full of grace, please help me, I beseech thee and grant me my special intention. [Mention your intentions.]

Thou hast promised us thy motherly protection, full of graces: "I am always very close to thee, with My motherly love."

Rosa Mystica, Immaculata, Mater Dolorosa, please show me that thou art my Mother, Bride of the Holy Spirit and Queen of Heaven and Earth. Amen.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Holy Father - Pope Benedict - US Visit.

Pope Benedict XVI First US Visit.
Video Message

Message transcript:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the United States of America,
The grace and peace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you! In just a few days from now, I shall begin my apostolic visit to your beloved country. Before setting off, I would like to offer you a heartfelt greeting and an invitation to prayer. As you know, I shall only be able to visit two cities: Washington and New York. The intention behind my visit, though, is to reach out spiritually to all Catholics in the United States. At the same time, I earnestly hope that my presence among you will be seen as a fraternal gesture towards every ecclesial community, and a sign of friendship for members of other religious traditions and all men and women of good will. The risen Lord entrusted the Apostles and the Church with his Gospel of love and peace, and his intention in doing so was that the message should be passed on to all peoples.

At this point I should like to add some words of thanks, because I am conscious that many people have been working hard for a long time, both in Church circles and in the public services, to prepare for my journey. I am especially grateful to all who have been praying for the success of the visit, since prayer is the most important element of all. Dear friends, I say this because I am convinced that without the power of prayer, without that intimate union with the Lord, our human endeavours would achieve very little. Indeed this is what our faith teaches us. It is God who saves us, he saves the world, and all of history. He is the Shepherd of his people. I am coming, sent by Jesus Christ, to bring you his word of life.

Together with your Bishops, I have chosen as the theme of my journey three simple but essential words: "Christ our hope". Following in the footsteps of my venerable predecessors, Paul VI and John Paul II, I shall come to United States of America as Pope for the first time, to proclaim this great truth: Jesus Christ is hope for men and women of every language, race, culture and social condition. Yes, Christ is the face of God present among us. Through him, our lives reach fullness, and together, both as individuals and peoples, we can become a family united by fraternal love, according to the eternal plan of God the Father. I know how deeply rooted this Gospel message is in your country. I am coming to share it with you, in a series of celebrations and gatherings. I shall also bring the message of Christian hope to the great Assembly of the United Nations, to the representatives of all the peoples of the world.

Indeed, the world has greater need of hope than ever: hope for peace, for justice, and for freedom, but this hope can never be fulfilled without obedience to the law of God, which Christ brought to fulfilment in the commandment to love one another. Do to others as you would have them do to you, and avoid doing what you would not want them to do. This "golden rule" is given in the Bible, but it is valid for all people, including non-believers. It is the law written on the human heart; on this we can all agree, so that when we come to address other matters we can do so in a positive and constructive manner for the entire human community.

Dirijo un cordial saludo a los católicos de lengua española y les manifiesto mi cercanía espiritual, en particular a los jóvenes, a los enfermos, a los ancianos y a los que pasan por dificultades o se sienten más necesitados. Les expreso mi vivo deseo de poder estar pronto con Ustedes en esa querida Nación. Mientras tanto, les aliento a orar intensamente por los frutos pastorales de mi inminente Viaje Apostólico y a mantener en alto la llama de la esperanza en Cristo Resucitado.

Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends in the United States, I am very much looking forward to being with you. I want you to know that, even if my itinerary is short, with just a few engagements, my heart is close to all of you, especially to the sick, the weak, and the lonely. I thank you once again for your prayerful support of my mission. I reach out to every one of you with affection, and I invoke upon you the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Que la Virgen María les acompañe y proteja. Que Dios les bendiga.
May God bless you all.

Mary, the Glory of the Church.

The Queen of Heaven - Glory of the Church.
By: Fr. Abram Ryan

And in all these I sought rest and I shall abide in the inheritance of the Lord.
-----Eccl. 24: 11

THE Incarnation of Jesus Christ through Mary is the rehabilitation in grace of the human race.

The Church of Christ is the perpetuation of the Incarnation. By the first man Adam, at the word of the woman Eve, sin entered into the world. Sin's reparation was to be made by the Man Christ, Who, at the word of Mary: "Be it done unto me according to thy word," entered into this world. Man and
woman,-----Adam and Eve,-----were the causes of our spiritual ruin. Man and woman-----Christ and Mary-----second Adam and second Eve-----are the causes of our Redemption. Everywhere on earth, and until the end of time, the act of disobedience of our first parents reaches in its consequences of sin for souls and death for bodies. And so everywhere in the world and down to its last day reaches the act of Mary's obedience to the Divine will in becoming the Mother of Christ, together with the obedience of Christ in doing His Father's will, in the consequences of grace for the souls and immortality for the bodies of every child of the human race who accepts the Redeemer. The influences of Jesus and Mary move forever alongside the influences of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were two persons united in one act-----it was our ruin. Jesus and Mary are two persons united in one act-----it is our Redemption.

Every day of history will man's heart ask: "Through whom have I lost all right to Heaven?" And every heart's answer will be: "Through Adam and Eve." And every day of time each heart will ask: "Through whom shall I recover the right to Heaven?" And every heart's question shall have its answer: "Through Jesus and Mary." It is the only true answer. It is the full and perfect answer. Truth gives it-----Faith proclaims it; and the Church of Truth and Faith must realize and illustrate it. Else all is as dark to the questioning world as it was before the mystery of the Infant's birth in Bethlehem. For the mystery of man's regeneration in grace must solve the mystery of man's generation in sin. In the light of the former mystery stand Jesus and Mary. In the darkness of the latter mystery stand Adam and Eve.

Our Holy Church is the mystical Eden in this world, with gates wide open, guarded by the Angel of Redemption. Who so wills to leave the beautiful spiritual garden, may do so. God forces none to stay. But who so desires to return and re-enter, cannot do so unless they come to the gates wearing the robes of grace. In the garden are the second Adam and the second Eve-----Jesus and Mary,-----for it is theirs to keep and cultivate;-----and in our Holy Church we meet them there together.

With us of the true Faith the glory of Jesus is the royal mantle of Mary His Mother-----and her glory is the brightest gem in the crown of Christ.

Saint Paul writing to the Ephesians proclaims that Christ would be a glorious Church without spot of wrinkle, or any such thing and that it would be holy and without any blemish.

What are the glories of the "glorious Church?"

Her Divine truths with their Heavenly light? Yes.
Her laws with their sanctifying influences? Yes.
Her Sacraments with their supernatural action? Yes.
Her teachings with their Divine power over the human mind-----and infallible certainty? Yes.
Her messages of mercy, the legacies of His love, to every heart redeemed? Yes.
Sinners in their penances and pardons? Yes.
Saints in the splendors of their sanctities? Yes.
Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, and Virgins with the supernatural braviaries, sufferings, austerities and purities of their lives and deaths? Yes.

For in their persons redeeming grace has conquered their minds with its light, their wills by its law, and their hearts with its love.

Ah! Yes, they are the living glories of the "glorious Church" whose life is Divine. They visibly realize in their persons and reflect on the world, within as well as without, the kingdom of grace, the glories of dogmas, laws, and Sacraments-----the light of the Christ Who lives over again in their lives.

The Church of Christ must have other Christs-----human to prove to the world His Divine Christhood. All along the ages she will have her Calvaries to climb; but she must and will have a thousand Tabors up the slopes of which she will lead sinners from the valley of sin to transfigure them on the summit with the splendors of sanctity-----so that the generations of men passing by will see the glory shining; and in the wonder of Faith and with the Faith of wonder, will cry aloud as Peter cried: "Oh Lord, it is good for us to be here."

Churches calling yourselves Christian, listen! You must prove your title. How?

In your hand you bring us the Scriptures. Well and good. We also have them. In your other hand have you the lives of your Saints? Saints are living scriptures. Do you bring us only words even though they be the words of Christ? They are dead words unless you show us men who have lived them. Life is the logic that proves the power: of Christ. He Himself is not in His words. Only His thoughts are there. He Himself in His Church by His grace lives in men, women, and children who participate in His sanctity. Show us such if you can.

Read for us the Litany of Saints! Have you none?

No Saints-----no Christ. No canonizations-----then no names crowned on earth with the halo of Christ's holiness.

Churches! Do you lead your followers only through the valley of ordinary virtues and commonplace duty?

Lift up your eyes! Yonder on the mountains, rising towards the skies the splendors of the "Sun of Justice" are shining on the snow-----white purities of the lofty Christlike lives. Do those lives belong to you? Is the white snow up there too cold for the feet of your children? Are the mountains of sanctity too steep, too rugged for them to climb? Are the splendors on their summits too bright and dazzling to your eyes?

Then-----move on down in the valley. You know not the mysteries and the meanings of the mountains climbed by Christ-----Calvary, Tabor, Oliveto You are not His Church. You have no Saints. You have no hearts beating with the highest heroisms of Faith. Not so we of His Holy Church. True-----the most of us walk in the lower valleys of ordinary virtue; but countless is the number of those who have scaled the steeps and reached the summits of holiness. And their glory shines down on our souls, making our way brighter and our hearts braver; and their glory is theirs and yet Christ's, and what is theirs and His is ours. We salute them as we pass, for they are the heroes in the march-----in the battles and in the victories of the soldiers of Christ. And they hail us as we pass them by with cheering words that give us comfort and courage and heavenly trust in our homeward way.

Human sanctity is the splendor of Divine grace. Where its light gleams there surely shines the moveless Son of changeless Faith. From the birthday of the Church, until this very evening all down the ages, there has been a line of saints. But above them all, with a brighter glory than they all together possess, and with a greater power, reigns Mary the Mother in the kingdom of Her Son. Mother of Christ-----Mother of His Church-----such is her place and power and glory.

Is it a wonder that the Church has glorified her in every age? Is it a marvel that blazoned on her banners of battle and sounding in her hymns of triumph, the name of Mary is forever united with the name of Jesus?

From the beginning she has held in her keeping the honor of the Mother of Christ. Who dared to lift a voice or write a word against Mary, She at once anathematized. And her reason it was the simplest-----only this: Whosoever attacks the Mother assaults the Son. Arius attacked the Divinity of Jesus Christ by denying His Divine and eternal Sonship-----and therefore attacked the Fatherhood of God.

Arius was anathematized. Nestorius arose and denied the Divine maternity of Mary. The Church has never far-fetched or abstruse reasons for her action. Clear and simple was her reason when she condemned Nestorius. Only this: whoever attacks the Mother attacks the Son. Just as simple and clear as her reason against Arius-----he who attacks the Son attacks the Father. Her enemies pass away leaving memories that shame the pages of history. The Church of her Divine Son moves on. All her generations, in the simplicity of their Faith call Mary blessed. It is her own prophecy becoming part of their religion. But in each generation of the children of Faith appear men full of wisdom and learning and full in grace who are the special guards of the rights and the honors of the Mother of Christ. Why read the roll of their names? Why quote the words of Jerome and Augustine and Ambrose down to the infallible utterances of Pius the Tenth of this century? The children of the Kingdom hear them from childhood to the grave. The wanderers outside the Kingdom hear them not-----or when they do they will not understand. Look everywhere along the past: See you not the beautiful bannered procession-----simply endless, for where one stops the other starts, going up to the temples of Jesus to keep the feasts of Mary!

Do you not behold the consecrated Virgin walking side by side with the Magdalen who has come back to the shrine of mercy, through the prayers of Mary? Do you not see ignorance in ungainly hurry jostling learning when she moves with a step that cannot help but be stately, though her face does wear the look of Faith's humbleness? And listen! Where they move with psalms and hymns and spiritual canticles singing the endless "Sanctus! Sanctus! Sanctus!" to the Son, and re-echoing back to Mary His Mother, her own glorious Magnificat. From the hall and from the hovel come the singers singing. The robe of the king touches the rag of the beggar man and becomes more beautiful and more royal for the touch. The mantle of the princess floats beside the tatters of the peasant. The tiara-crowned head of the Pope bows where the little altar boy is kneeling. The Bishop's purple and the priest's black cassock meet before the altars to honor Mary. The Purple and the the Black meet there on perfect spiritual equality. Savagery and civilization repeat together the same Our Father and the same Hail Mary. The Indian strolling the forests tells the same beads as the sage in his study. It is all for Mary, because it is all for Jesus. Is she not then the Glory of the glories of our Holy Church: and is it not our glory, with our words and with our actions, with our whole hearts and with our whole souls and with all the strength of Faith the truest and of love the tenderest, to glorify the blessed name of Mary in life, in death and in eternity.

Consecration to Mary for Purity.


Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin Most Pure, mindful of the
terrible moral dangers threatening on all sides, and aware of my
own human weakness, I voluntarily place myself, body and soul,
this day and always, under thy loving maternal care and protection.

I consecrate to thee my body, with all its members, asking that thou
wilt help me never to use it as an occasion of sin to others.
Help me to remember that my body is
"The Temple of the Holy Ghost," and to use it
according to God's Holy Will, for my own personal salvation, and
the salvation of others.

I consecrate to thee my soul, asking that thou wilt watch over it
and to bring it home safe to thee and to Jesus in Heaven for all eternity.

Oh Mary, my Mother, all that I am, all that I have is thine.
Keep me and guard me under thy mantle of mercy
as thy personal property and possession.
"Jesus, Mary, I love Thee, save souls!"

Imprimatur: Bishop Albert Zuroweste
Belleville, Illinois


"A dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers breadth under the pit of the throat; which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows; and scarcely reaches a bit beyond the knees. Furthermore, dresses of transparent materials are improper."


1. Marylike is modest without compromise, "like Mary," Christ's Mother.
2. Marylike dresses have sleeves extending at least to the elbows; and skirts reaching below the knees.
[Note: Because of market conditions, quarter-length sleeves are temporarily tolerated with Ecclesiastical Approval, until Christian womanhood again turns to Mary as the model of modesty in dressing.]

3. Marylike dresses require full coverage for the bodice, chest, shoulders, and back; except for a cut-out about the neck not exceeding two inches below the neckline in front and back,
and a corresponding two inches on the shoulders.

4. Marylike dresses do not admit as modest coverage transparent fabrics, laces, nets, organdy, nylons, etc. ------ unless sufficient backing is added. However, their moderate
use as trimmings is acceptable.

5. Marylike dresses avoid the improper use of flesh-colored fabrics.

6. Marylike dresses conceal rather than reveal the figure of the wearer; they do not emphasize, unduly, parts of the body.

7. Marylike dresses provide full coverage, even after jacket, cape or stole are removed.

"Marylike" fashions are designed to conceal as much of the body as possible: This automatically eliminates such fashions as tight slacks, jeans, sweaters; shorts which do not reach down to the knees; sheer blouses and sleeveless dresses, etc. The Marylike standards are a guide to instill a "sense of modesty." A girl who follows these, and looks up to Mary as her ideal and model, will have no problem with modesty in dress. She will not be an occasion of sin or source of embarrassment or shame to others.

The Hail Mary.

The Hail Mary
Taken from the Fountain of Catholic Knowledge
and from THE CATECHIST, by the Very Rev. Canon Howe,
Imprimatur, 1898

The Ave Maria, or Angelical Salutation, is the most beautiful and popular of all the prayers which Christians address to the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is no little child who cannot say it, and when a mother first teaches her children to pray she always adds to the "Our Father," "Hail! Mary."

The whole prayer may be described as a tribute of love. Who, therefore, has composed it? The first part was spoken by the Archangel Gabriel, and the second part was added by the Holy Catholic Church.

Let us consider the occasion, the circumstances, and the time at which the angelical salutation was given to Christians.

Mary was at Nazareth, and was praying one day in a little grotto which formed part of the humble home of Joseph, her espoused husband. It was the 25th of March. Suddenly Mary saw before her an Angel surrounded with light. "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee," said this messenger from God; "blessed art thou among women." And as the Blessed Virgin was troubled at this salutation, and wondered what it could mean, the Archangel added, "Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. Behold, thou shalt conceive and shalt bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus" (that is to say, Saviour). "He shall be called the Son of the Most High, and of His kingdom there shall be no end." And then Mary answered the Angel, "How shall this be done, because I know not man?" (The blessed Virgin and St. Joseph had both made a vow of perpetual virginity.) But the Angel said to Mary, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God, because no word shall be impossible with God." Then Mary answered "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to thy word," and the Angel disappered. Thus the Immaculate Virgin became the Mother of God. And nine months after, on the 25th of December, in the stable at Bethlehem, she brought miraculously into the world Jesus, her Divine Son. If the first part of the Hail Mary came from Heaven, so surely did the last; for it is in the name and by the power of God that the Catholic Church speaks unto men; and it was the Church, inspired by the Holy Ghost, Whom the year 431 commanded that this simple and beautiful prayer should be added to the angelical salutation: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

The circumstances which occasioned this addition to be made were these: An Archbishop of Constantinople named Nestorius having dared both in preaching and in writing to attack the Divine maternity of the Blessed Virgin, many of the orthodox bishops appealed to the Pope, St. Celestine, and what his judgment was we may easily suppose. At first he tried with great forbearance to lead the heretic Nestorius, back to the truth, by clearly demonstrating that, the Divine nature and the human nature being united in Jesus Christ in one only Person, Who was both God and man, and thus inseparable and at the same time the Son of God and the Son of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ must be truly and necessarily the Mother of God. Nestorius was entirely indifferent to these efforts of the Pope, and he was therefore obliged to have recourse to more rigorous measures. He condemned Nestorius as a heretic and an abettor of heresy; he excommunicated him, degraded him from his ecclesiastical dignities, and convoked a general council of bishops to judge the guilty man. This council met at Ephesus in the year 431. The solemn assemblies were held in the ancient church of St. Mary, the first, it is said, ever erected to the honor of the Virgin Mother. Nothing could be more solemn than the meeting at which the Fathers judged Nestorius. From the dawn of day they consulted, the doors of the church being closed. An immense crowd collected outside. The night came, and the doors were still unopened. . . . At last the meeting ended; the bishops appeared upon the steps of the portico, three Papal legates at their head. One of them, St. Cyril of Alexandria, read and proclaimed the sentence in the midst of an unbroken silence: "Mary is truly the Mother of God. Whoever says otherwise is a heretic and excommunicated. Anathema to Nestorius!" Exclamations of joy rose upon all sides.

The bishops were led home in triumph, incense was burned, and the whole city was brilliantly illuminated. In remembrance of this great decision the Council of Ephesus commanded that the words "Holy Mary, Mother of God," etc., should be added to the angelical salutation.

Thus, for one blasphemy against the Blessed Virgin, innumerable praises have gone up to Heaven during fourteen centuries, and God wonderfully brought good out of evil to the glory of His holy Name!

Nestorius, excommunicated and degraded like Judas from his episcopate, went into a desert to die, cursed by God and men. He died impenitent, and even while he lived, upon that sacrilegious tongue which had blasphemed the Mother of God a special curse descended in a very marked and terrible way.

Such is the origin of the Ave Maria. But in order that we may be moved to love this prayer, to say it often and attentively and with an ever-increasing fervor, let us reverently consider the words.
The salutation, Ave, is both an exclamation of love and a mark of reverence toward the Blessed Virgin; we should therefore say "Hail!" with love and confidence, because Mary is our good and tender Mother, the Refuge and Advocate of sinners, the Mother of mercy; and with the deepest veneration, because she is the most holy Queen of Heaven and earth, and the glorious Mother of God.

In Hebrew the name of Mary signifies queen; it also signifies sea of bittemess and illuminatrix. The Blessed Virgin is indeed the Queen of Angels, of Saints, and of men; on Calvary she endured the most bitter sorrow; and, lastly, she has given to the world Jesus Christ, the light of truth and holiness.

The Angel Gabriel did not pronounce the name of Mary . . . The Church has added it, first, out of love for this sweet name; and, next, to show more clearly that the title "full of grace" could only be given to Mary. The words in the original are still more expressive than in the translation. They signify formed in grace; made, or innate with grace. Mary is perfectly and entirely in the grace of God, and without any stain of Original or actual sin by the effects of which grace is destroyed. It is to this singular privilege of complete and perfect sanctity that she owes the title of Immaculate.

"The Lord is with thee." These words are given by God as a proof of the perfect union of the Creator with His creature. God the Father is with Mary as the bridegroom with his well-beloved spouse; God the Son is with her as a son is with his mother; God the Holy Ghost is with her as a king, in his palace, as a master in his own domains, as God in His own temple, as the soul is in the body and with the body.

"The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women." These words of the Archangel were also spoken to Mary by St. Elizabeth on the day of the Visitation. Mary is the one woman above all other women, and it was she of whom God spoke to Adam and Eve when, in promising a Saviour, He said that He would make a complete separation between the devil and her. Mary is the woman, expected for four thousand years, who was predestined to the ineffable glory of giving its Divine Redeemer to the human race.

St. Elizabeth added, "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb." And the Church has added here the name of Jesus, so that there should be found in this prayer the three great names, God, Jesus, Mary: God, the Creator and Lord of all, and our own last end; Jesus, God made man, the Saviour of the world; Mary, the bond of union between Heaven and earth.

He is blessed, the Divine Son of Mary, for God has poured forth on Him without measure all grace and benediction; and not only is eternally blessed; He is for all the source of life and benediction, and there can be no blessing but throught Him.

Holy Mary! Holy, indeed, and more than holy; for the Church bestows on her an honor far higher than that which is rendered to the Saints. She does not adore Mary; that would be a sacrilegious idolatry; God alone, Jesus alone, may be adored. But the Blessed Virgin merits and receives from the Church a special worship, peculiar to herself, called hyperdulia, which means honor above all honor. Above Mary there is only Jesus Christ, only God. Below her, at an immense distance, are Seraphim, Cherubin, Archangels, Angels, and all the Saints.

Mother of God! What a title, what glory! How great the power over the Sacred Heart of Jesus which His Own Mother must possess! How good it is to ask her prayers! "A single look from her," said the great St. Bernard, "disarms the wrath of Divine justice; and when she pleads in our favor the graces of the Almighty flow downward like a mighty river." Let us therefore say with perfect confidence, "O Mother of God, and our Mother, turn thine eyes of mercy toward us. Pray for us sinners! We do not deserve to be heard by our Father Who is in Heaven, but thou, His holy, His well-beloved Mother, thou wilt be heard; and the title we give thee most dear to thy heart is, "Refuge of Sinners."

"Holy Mother, pray for us now, during the whole of our life on earth; pray for us at the moment of temptation. Obtain for us purity, humility, meekness, a lively faith, and final perseverance. Defend us from the devil, our enemy; guard us from sin today, tomorrow, at every instant of our life, and especially at the hour of our death. Amen."

That is the decisive moment. It is upon that last hour that our whole eternity depends; it is then that we shall need especially the help of the Blessed Mother of God. Let us have confidence; she will not fail us then. At that supreme moment Mary will come to us if, during life, we have been faithful in asking her help. "Behold me, my child," she will say, "I am with thee; thou hast called me. How often hast thou said to me, Hail! full of grace. And now, my child, I greet thee, full of the grace of my Divine Son, Who is about to reward thee with eternal glory. Thou hast said to me, The Lord is With thee; He is with thee also, O my child! and thou shalt be with Him throughout the blissful ages of eternity. Thou hast blessed me, and hast blessed the Name of Jesus my Son; and I have blessed thee, and have accompanied thee all through life with constant benedictions; I have obtained for thee the grace of a happy death, and at this terrible moment I bless thee yet again. Have confidence, thy Mother is with thee; thou hast made me thy advocate and thy refuge. Poor sinner! thou hast done well to seek in my bosom an asylum against the justice of thy God! He has appointed me the Mother of mercy, and I have obtained mercy for thee. Come, therefore, soul beloved of my Son, even now is that last hour of which thou hast spoken every time that thou hast prayed to me; I change for thee its terrors into a calm, sweet hope. Child of Mary, child of God, enter into the joy of thy Lord!"


In the year 1604 there were in the city of Flanders two young students who, instead of attending to the acquistion of learning, sought only the indulgence of the appetite and the gratification of their unchaste passions. One night they went to a house of ill-fame; after some time, one of them, called Richard, returned home, and the other remained. After having reached his house, Richard, while undressing to go to bed, remembered that he had not said the three Hail Marys-----S. Alphonsus.


S. Alphonsus called the Hail Mary the delicious word of the Saints. He never experienced pleasure equal to that he felt when saying this prayer; and in reciting it at the beginning of the Office, he often shed sweet tears of joy, and in his sermons constantly spoke of its power to his audience. -----Catechisme on Exemples.


S. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, had been brought up with a great devotion to the Most Holy Virgin. When sending him to Paris to make his studies, his mother recommended him never to let a day pass without having recourse to his Divine Protectress. That virtuous mother often wrote to him to avoid bad company, and to frequent the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist; often, too, she sent him instruments of penance, to repress, she said, the bad inclinations that might injure his virtue. The holy young man, docile to the counsels of his mother, always showed himself most zealous for the glory of Mary. He went several times a day to prostrate himself before one of her statues; and to mark his engagement in the service of the Queen of Angels, he placed on the finger of one of her statues a ring, on which he had caused to be engraved the whole of the Angelical Salutation. You shall see how agreeable that devotion, so sincere, and so persevering, was to the Blessed Virgin. After the death of the blessed Edmund, it was remarked that the same prayer was engraved on his episcopal ring, to which that prayer communicated a virtue so efficaious and miraculous, that it was subsequently used to operate a great number of cures. If we do not engrave the words of the Hail Mary on a ring, let us engrave them on our hearts, and that will be still better. -----Noel.


A man condemned to death, in Germany, refused to hear speak of Confession. A Jesuit Father employed all manner of means to convert him: prayers, tears, penances, exhortations -----but to no effect. At length he said to him: "Let us say the Hail Mary together." The prisoner, to get rid of his visitor, consented, and no sooner had he done so than tears began to fall from his eyes, he made his Confession, full of contrition and humility, and would only die with a statue of Our Lady in his hands. -----Catechisme en Exemples.


To refute and condemn the errors of Nestorius, who denied the Divine" maternity of Mary, the Council of Ephesus was held in the year 431. The population of the town and neighbourhood betook themselves to the square in front of the Church where the Council was being held, and there they remained nearly the whole day, impatient to learn the results. When at length, in the evening, it became known that Nestorius was condemned and anathematized, and that the doctrine of the Church formally declared Mary to be the Mother of God, the enthusiasm of the multitude was unbounded-----they cried out aloud: "Mary is indeed the Mother of God; Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!" It was already dark, and the men lit torches to take to their homes the Fathers of the Council. The whole town was illuminated, and signs of true faith and joy were everywhere visible, as proof of their love and devotion to Mary. -----Tillemont.

which he was accustomed to recite every day in honour of the Blessed Virgin. Being oppressed with sleep, he felt a great repugnance to say them; however, he did violence to himself and recited the usual Hail Marys, without devotion, and half asleep. He went to bed, and during his sleep, he saw before him his companion, presenting a deformed and hideous appearance. "Who are you?" said Richard. "Do you not know me?" replied the other. "How," rejoined Richard, "have you undergone such a change? You look like a demon." "Ah! unhappy me," exclaimed the other, "I am damned. In leaving that infamous house I was strangled. My body lies in the street, and my soul is in Hell. Know that the same chastisement awaited you, but the Blessed Virgin, on account of your little devotion of reciting the Hail Marys, has saved you from it." Richard, shedding a torrent of tears, fell prostrate on the ground, to thank Mary, his deliverer, and resolved on a change of life for the future.

The Beauty of Mary [Pt. I]


"My Lady is beautiful, beautiful beyond compare; so beautiful that when one has seen her once, one would wish to die so as to see her again; so beautiful that when one has seen her, one can no longer love anything earthly."

We are often accustomed to think about the Virginity and Assumption of Mary mainly in corporal terms. Many perhaps forget that Mary wanted to be a virgin and desired, through the virtue of hope, to see the divinity of her Son with the spiritual eyes of her immortal soul. Do we consider enough, in the person of Mary, the splendor of her soul, invisible to the eyes of flesh and yet somehow visible through her smile and tears?


Each human being is a person composed of an immortal soul and of a mortal body destined, through death, to a glorious resurrection; that is, to a complete transfiguration of the immortal body by the glorified soul. The soul is at the same time the immaterial principle of material life and in its spiritual peak has the wonderful power of being able to contact God immediately through acts of willful love. In other words, the human soul situates itself halfway between the eternity of God and the temporal world, able to dominate itself and the world in the measure of its submission to its intimate Creator.

Mary's body never knew sexual pleasure because her soul excluded it for the love of God and mankind. She always exercised, as soon as her reason was able to understand, the virtue of chastity -- that is a rational and voluntary control over her entire psychosomatic human sexuality. We are perhaps surprised to hear such a thing about the Virgin Mary. We have to remember that God never created a non-sexual human being. The distinction of sexes in mankind is the result bot of a non-finalized and blind animal evolution, but of a wise disposition of Divine Providence, of the Eternal Will of the Son of God Who wanted, precisely through this differentiation, to keep humanity in existence with its own cooperation.

In each human being, sexuality, as all other material and psychological goods, is the object of a choice of Divine Wisdom, Power and Mercy. Each person is a mystery insofar as the human soul is called to the act of beatific vision and as the human body is destined, through death, to immortal life, in its risen condition. So we can say that the physical and psychological aspects of this part of Mary's human personality belongs to the mystery of her person.


Through her chastity and virginity, Mary consecrated to her Creator, in a total and absolute way, her human sexuality. She recognized the supreme dominion of God's absolute and eternal Being over her body, over the thoughts, desires, remembrances of her soul. Such a consecration, often renewed, arose from her passionate love for the Heavenly Father and for all mankind. In her, the moral virtue of chastity was totally penetrated by the theological virtue of charity towards God, each one of us and herself: she loved each and all of us as herself out of pure love for God.

The mysterious and virginal chastity of Mary obliges us, her spiritual children, to reconsider under her protection our own practice of the virtue of chastity in thoughts, desires, looks, words and deeds.

"St. Epiphanius, quoted by Nicephorus, has left us a charming portrait of the Virgin. This portrait, sketched in the fourth century from traditions now effaced, and from manuscripts which we no longer possess, is the only one which has come down to us.

"The Virgin, according to this bishop, was not tall of stature, though her height was a little above the middle size; her color, slightly bronzed like that of the Sulamite by the sun of her country, had the rich tint of ripe ears of corn: her hair was light, her eyes lively, the pupil being rather of an olive color, her eyebrows perfectly arched and black; her nose, remarkably perfect, was aquiline; her lips rosy; the shape of her face a fine oval; her hands and fingers long. She was utterly full of Divine grace and loveliness; all the Fathers eagerly attest, with one accord, this admirable beauty of the Virgin.

"But it was not to this assemblage of natural perfections that Mary owed the power of her beauty; it emanated from a higher source. St. Ambrose understood it well when he said that this attractive covering was but a transparent veil which let all the virtues be seen through it, and that her soul, the most noble, the most pure that ever was, next to the soul of Jesus Christ, was entirely revealed in her look. The natural beauty of Mary was but the remote reflection of her intellectual and imperishable beauties. She was the most beautiful of women, because she was the most chaste and most holy of the daughters of Eve.

"The greatest propriety reigned in all the actions of the Virgin; she was good, affable, compassionate, and never tired of hearing the long complaints of the afflicted. She spoke little, always to the purpose, and never did an untruth defile her lips. Her voice was sweet and penetrating; and her words had something gracious and consoling which shed calm over the soul. She was the first in watchings, the most exact in fulfilling the divine law, the most profound in humility, the most perfect in every virtue. She was never seen in anger; she never offended, afflicted, or railed at anyone. She was an enemy to pomp, simple in her attire, simple in her manners. Never had she a thought of displaying her beauty, her ancient nobility, or the rich treasures of her mind and heart. Her presence seemed to sanctify all around her, and the sight of her banished the thought of the things of earth. Her politeness was no vain formality, made up of words of falsehood; it was an expansion of universal benevolence which came from the soul. In fine, her look already revealed the Mother of Mercy."---------Orsini: History of the Blessed Virgin

"Identity of blood implies between Jesus Christ and Mary a similarity of formation, of features, of inclinations, of tastes, of virtues; not only because identity of blood very frequently creates such a similarity, but because in Mary's case --------- her maternity being altogether a supernatural fact --------- the effect of overwhelming grace --------- this grace took hold of this more or less general principle of nature and developed it in her in such a manner as to make her the living image and portrait of her divine Son in every way; so that whoever could see her, could admire the most exquisitely formed image of Jesus Christ. This same relation of motherhood established between Mary and her Son an intimacy not only as to intercourse and communion of life, but as regards an interchange of hearts and of secrets; so that she was the mirror reflecting all the thoughts, feelings, aspirations, desires and purposes of Jesus, as He in turn reflected in a more eminent manner, as in an unspotted mirror, the miracle of purity, of love, of devoutness, of immense charity which was the soul of Mary. Mary could, therefore, say with greater reason than the Apostle of the Gentiles; I live, now not I; it is Jesus who lives in me." ---------De Concilio: The Knowledge of Mary

Novena of the Immaculate Conception.

O IMMACULATE Virgin! Mary, conceived without sin!

Remember, thou wert miraculously preserved from
even the shadow of sin, because thou wert destined
to become not only the Mother of God, but also
the mother, the refuge, and the advocate of man;
penetrated, therefore, with the most lively confidence
in thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore
thee to look with favor upon the intentions of this novena,
and to obtain for us the graces and favors we request.

Thou knowest, O Mary, how often our hearts are the
sanctuaries of God, Who abhors iniquity. Obtain for us,
then, that Angelic purity which was thy favorite virtue,
that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and
that purity of intention which will consecrate every thought,
word, and action to His greater glory. Obtain also for us a
constant spirit of prayer and self-denial, that we may recover
by penance that innocence which we have lost by sin,
and at length attain safely to that blessed abode of the
Saints, where nothing defiled can enter.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Recite the Litany of the Blessed Virgin:


Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
pray for us.
Mother of Christ,
pray for us.
Mother of Divine Grace,
pray for us.
Mother most Pure,
pray for us.
Mother most Chaste,
pray for us.
Mother Inviolate,
pray for us.
Mother Undefiled,
pray for us.
Mother most Amiable,
pray for us.
Mother most Admirable,
pray for us.
Mother of good Counsel,
pray for us.
Mother of our Creator,
pray for us.
Mother of our Savior,
pray for us.
Virgin most Prudent,
pray for us.
Virgin most Venerable,
pray for us.
Virgin most Renowned,
pray for us.
Virgin most Powerful,
pray for us.
Virgin most Merciful,
pray for us.
Virgin most Faithful,
pray for us.
Mirror of Justice,
pray for us.
Seat of Wisdom,
pray for us.
Cause of our Joy,
pray for us.
Spiritual Vessel,
pray for us.
Vessel of Honor,
pray for us.
Singular Vessel of Devotion,
pray for us.
Mystical Rose,
pray for us.
Tower of David,
pray for us.
Tower of Ivory,
pray for us.
House of Gold,
pray for us.
Ark of the Covenant,
pray for us.
Gate of Heaven,
pray for us.
Morning Star,
pray for us.
Health of the Sick,
pray for us.
Refuge of Sinners,
pray for us.
Comforter of the Afflicted,
pray for us.
Help of Christians,
pray for us.
Queen of Angels,
pray for us.
Queen of Patriarchs,
pray for us.
Queen of Prophets,
pray for us.
Queen of Apostles,
pray for us.
Queen of Martyrs,
pray for us.
Queen of Confessors,
pray for us.
Queen of Virgins,
pray for us.
Queen of all Saints,
pray for us.
Queen conceived without Original Sin,
pray for us.
Queen assumed into Heaven,
pray for us.
Queen of the most Holy Rosary,
pray for us.
Queen of the Family,
pray for us.
Queen of Peace,
pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord!.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us. .
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.

Grant, we beg Thee, O Lord God, that we Thy servants, may enjoy lasting health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enter into the joy of eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

During Advent
Let us pray.

O God, Thou hast willed that, at the message of an Angel, Thy Word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; grant to Thy suppliant people, that we, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her intercession with Thee. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

From Christmas to the Purification
Let us pray.

O God, by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary, Thou hast bestowed upon the human race the rewards of eternal salvation; grant, we beg Thee, that we may feel the power of her intercession, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Who livest and reignest with Thee forever and ever. R. Amen.

During Paschal time
Let us pray. O God, Who by the Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, granted joy to the whole world; grant, we beg Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mother Mary's Desires:

The Desires of Our Queen and Mother:

"Dear children! I come to you as a Mother with gifts. I come with love and mercy. Dear children, mine is a big heart. In it, I desire all of your hearts, purified by fasting and prayer. I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together. I
desire that through that triumph you may see the real Truth, the real Way and the real Life. I desire that you may see my Son. Thank you." (March 18, 2007 Mirjana)

Here are just some of Our Lady’s desires:

“Pray all the prayers for the opening of sinful hearts. I desire that.” (April 18, 1985)
“I desire to call you to humility.” (June 28, 1985)
“I desire to lead you.” (July 25, 1985)
“I desire to call you to grow in love.” (April 10, 1986)
“I desire to teach you to pray.” (June 12, 1986)
“I desire to help you.” (June 12, 1986)
“I desire that you cooperate with me in everything, even in the smallest things.” (April 28, 1986)
“I desire that your cross would also be a joy for you.” (September 11, 1986)
“What I desire of each individual is to become holy.” (October 9, 1986)
“I desire to bring you all to Heaven unto God.” (November 27, 1986)
“I desire to thank you for every response to the messages.” (January 8, 1987)
“I desire that through each one of you God’s plan may be fulfilled, that all which God has planted in your heart may keep on growing.” (April 25, 1987)
“I desire that through you the whole world may get to know the God of joy.” (May 25, 1988)
“I desire that you love all men with my love.” (May 25, 1988)
“I desire that your decisions be free before God, because He has given you freedom.” (November 25, 1989)
“I desire, dear children, that each one of you be ever closer to my heart.” (April 25, 1990)
“I desire to enrich you with my motherly peace.” (July 25, 1990)
“I do not desire you to talk about prayer, but to pray.” (April 25, 1991)
“I invite you to self-renunciation for nine days so that, with your help, everything that I desire to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima, may be fulfilled.” (April 25, 1991)
“I desire my, Jesus’, and your heart to become one heart of love and peace.” (July 25, 1999)

Our Blessed Mother's Heart is filled with love and grace for her children. As she loves her Son, Jesus, she also loves us. Just call upon your Heavenly Queen.

God bless.

In Mary Immaculate,