The Thirty-Three Petitions in Honor of the Sacred Humanity.
O good Jesus, Word of the Eternal Father,Convert me.
O good Jesus, Son of Mary,Make me her child.
O good Jesus, My Master,Teach me.
O good Jesus, Prince of peace,Give me peace.
O good Jesus, my Refuge,Receive me.
O good Jesus, my Pastor,Feed my soul.
O good Jesus, Model of patience,Comfort me.
O good Jesus, meek and humble of heart,Make my heart like unto Thine.
O good Jesus, my Redeemer,Save me.
O good Jesus, my God and my All,Possess me.
O good Jesus, the true Way,Direct me.
O good Jesus, Eternal Truth,Instruct me.
O good Jesus, Life of the blessed,Make me live in Thee.
O good Jesus, my Support,Strengthen me.
O good Jesus, my Justice,Justify me.
O good Jesus, my Mediator, Reconcile me to Thy Father.
O good Jesus, Physician of my soul,Heal me.
O good Jesus, my Judge,Absolve me.
O good Jesus, my King,Govern me.
O good Jesus, my Sanctification,Sanctify me.
O good Jesus, Abyss of goodness,Pardon me.
O good Jesus, Living Bread from Heaven,Satiate me.
O good Jesus, the Father of the prodigal,Receive me.
O good Jesus, Joy of my soul,Refresh me.
O good Jesus, my Helper,Assist me.
O good Jesus, Magnet of love,Attract me.
O good Jesus, my Protector,Defend me.
O good Jesus, my Hope,Sustain me.
O good Jesus, Object of my love,Make me love Thee.
O good Jesus, Fountain of life,Cleanse me.
O good Jesus, my Propitiation,Purify me.
O good Jesus, my Last End,Let me obtain Thee.
O good Jesus, my Glory,Glorify me. Amen.
V. Jesus, hear my prayer.
R. Jesus, graciously hear me.
Let Us Pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you," mercifully attend to our supplications, and grant us the gift of Thy Divine Charity, that we may ever love Thee with our whole hearts, and may never cease from praising Thee, Who livest and reignest world without end. R. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus
Holy Face of Jesus,Be my joy.
Holy Face of Jesus,Be my strength.
Holy Face of Jesus,Be my health.
Holy Face of Jesus,Be my courage.
Holy Face of Jesus,Be my wisdom.
Holy Face of Jesus, Image of the Father,Provide for me.
Holy Face of Jesus, Mirror of Thy Priestly Heart,Be my zeal.
Holy Face of Jesus, Gift of the Spirit,Show me Thy love.
Holy Face of Jesus, saddened by sorrow, Grant my requests through Thy merits.
Composed by Rev. Emery Pethro of Detroit, Michigan
amen :heart:
when's the next update? :p
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