Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A thank you letter to my readers.

Dear readers,

The comments I received from you all, have touched my heart greatly. Thank you very much. I hope to grow closer to our Lord and His Mother everyday of my life.

Nothing will make me happier.

I will visit the pages advised to me, by those of you who have requested me to have a look at them; it will be an honor.

I would like to take a precious moment to encourage my readers in the faith:

During my devotions this past week, I have found several significent treasures in the Lord's Sacred Heart:

1. His un-parallel, and Sacred, love for us.
2. His precious heart is so filled with love for us, His Church, that even death could not waver His love; even though His Heart was pierced at His crucifixion!

3. His arms are up-held, open wide, awaiting us - in the day of our glorious ascension to His Kingdom of Heaven!

4. Through the Holy Rosary, has He given us a immaculate tool to worship Him with, to bring glory to His Holy name, and honor to His Blessed Mother.

Jesus lives! He has risen! Fall into His loving arms!

May The Sacred & Immaculate hearts bless you all greatly.

In Christ's Heart,


Jayson said...

Hey Danica! Im so proud of you making a blog showing how dedicated you are to your faith! :) Keep it up ;)